Why isn’t GOP protecting property rights?
To the Editor:
Republican leaders like Sen. Jim Davis, R-Franklin, Rep. Thom Tillis, R-Mecklenburg, and Rep. Roger West, R-Marble, voted to allow hydraulic fracking without comment from the citizens of North Carolina whose property rights, drinking water, health and liability exposure will be impacted. Even U.S. Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., is not opposed.
Local Republican leaders have not opposed fracking when common sense says that fracking — with its toxic chemicals and corroding well casings — will eventually cause major problems for landowners.
Republicans are not stepping up to protect our property rights and instead are allowing compulsory pooling to take your rights away if you do not want fracking on your property.
They also are allowing you to be arrested if you disclose any of the proprietary toxic chemicals used in the wells on your land. This is America with a democracy last time I checked. It is time to send these Republican leaders a message: “go frack yourself,” and then we vote them out of office.
Larry Stenger.