Waynesville Jake break laws good for in town
To the Editor:
Referencing the article of two weeks ago about the Jake brakes in Waynesville and in reply to last week’s letter from Gino Deneef of Franklin, I would first like to say that this article was about a local law in Waynesville, not Franklin. Not intentionally being rude, but Mr. Deneef, please mind your own town’s laws. There are several in Franklin that need to be addressed.
More importantly, we know what the Jake brakes are used for. Coming from a family of truckers, one having recently totaled an 18-wheeler in the Pigeon River Gorge, I understand the need for them in these mountains. However, it is the places specifically pointed out in Waynesville that need attention to the ongoing, awful noise from these trucks: Allens Creek and Russ Avenue.
Allens Creek is a flat road from beginning to end and these brakes should not even have to be used. The speed of the dump trucks is what needs to be regulated on this road.
As for Russ Avenue, the new law is speaking specifically to the lower end after passing K-Mart towards Lake Junaluska. I live in an apartment directly bordering Russ Avenue and the noise at all hours of the day and night is ridiculous. I know they are carrying a heavy load, but slow the trucks down a bit before topping that wee hill. Besides, there are two signal lights at the foot of the small incline and these truckers know this; they are the same companies and rigs all day, all week long.
I support the change in the law. Once the signs are placed it will be better. The word is already out about the change and it has been pleasing to the ear as of late.
Brian Harkins