Marge Carpenter
1. What specific legislation or policies are at the top of your list?
a. Developing First Class Education for First Class Jobs.
b. Protecting Our Children from Drugs.
c. Making Health Care Affordable and Accessible.
d. Standing up for State Employees and Small Businesses.
e. Fighting Illegal Immigration with a Big Heart & a Firm Hand.
f. Cutting Taxes and Creating Good Paying Jobs.
2. What are three of the most pressing issues facing the people of your district, and how can the state legislature deal with them?
FIRST: The issues above are intertwined. I will address those issues and the people of my district will prosper.
SECOND: It is imperative that the media report what state legislators ACTUALLY DO in Raleigh. For example, could the media report to the people of my district:
o That my opponent continually files bills in the state legislature to REDUCE sentencing for criminals, including those who commit statutory rape?
o That my opponent, in his Judicial Committee, actively blocked the constitutional amendment for our property rights?
o That although there are more dollars in the new education budget, it is over 4% LESS of the total budget than the previous year - even though there was more money to distribute and my opponent voted for it?!
o That although the lottery is supposed to help with school construction, my opponent voted for a lottery formula that virtually EXCLUDES western North Carolina counties from a fair share of these funds?
Reporting what state legislators actually do means people in my district can make an informed choice when they go to the polls.
THIRD: People of my district want honest, caring leadership for a change. I will serve the people, as I did in 2001-02, with honesty, common sense, new bi-partisan leadership, and be a true advocate for our region of the state.
3. Should the legislature help seniors with property taxes by adjusting the homestead exemption on their homes?
The legislature can help all residents by having a homestead exemption for all primary residences in this state.
4. What is your position on lobbyist and campaign reform?
Be aware that the new law that states a lobbyist cannot contribute to a campaign is a “smoke and mirrors” job on the public. Very few lobbyists give legislators money from their own pocket. More likely, they recommend to the agencies or companies they represent to which legislators the company or agency should support in the form of a financial contribution.
Readers, do you know that state agencies hire lobbyists with your taxpayer dollars?
With campaign reform, the required finance reporting dates to the State Board of Elections are so late and take so long to be posted that the public really cannot get appropriate information about who is financially supporting each candidate BEFORE going to vote.
5. Do you support more extensive state action to help with farmland preservation? If so, what specific measures should be enacted?
NC has an extensive tax abatement program for land used for farming or timber which is under attack by many of tax and spend legislators in Raleigh who might want more of your money to spend. I will continue to support tax abatement programs for farming and timber land.
6. What is the most pressing educational need in the state?
The need to create leading-edge community colleges and universities throughout the entire state – especially in the west! This is done by securing our fair share of money and political support from Raleigh, that is not happening now. First class schools will drive new opportunities for job creation for all of us.
7. What can the state afford to do to help counties with increasing Medicaid costs?
The state can afford to take back the burden of the Medicaid costs entirely away from the counties. North Carolina is the only state putting this burden on counties. I am totally opposed to the counties being burdened with a percentage of the Medicaid costs.
In addition, this year’s budget, with surplus money, should have repaid the counties for all the money the Governor stole from the county reserves – but DID NOT! My opponent voted for this budget that neglected our counties!
8. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Growing up, I aspired to be a person of character, integrity, honesty, and of service to others, not an actual occupation. As wife & mother, educator, corporate executive, state legislator, and foster parent, I am fulfilling this aspiration.
9. What is your favorite television show?
I enjoy a good mystery movie that takes problem-solving skills to solve it.
10. Describe your philosophy of government in 100 words or less.
Government should stick to the duties as outlined in the constitution, be it state or national. Government is there to protect and serve the citizens, not the other way around. This applies to all branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial. All branches of government should be here to PROTECT the rights of the citizens, not find ways to remove those rights.