DSA plans series of meetings to discuss downtown taxing district
The Downtown Sylva Association will hold a series of public meetings in January to answer questions about a proposed municipal service district tax, DSA president Sheryl Rudd recently told town board members.
“There’s a lot of misinformation out there,” Rudd said.
Businesses within the MSD would pay an extra tax of 20 cents per $100 property value, which would raise an estimated $50,000 for the DSA. A decision has yet to be made about exactly how the funds will be spent; however, plans include supporting DSA’s operating expenses and defraying the cost of advertising for downtown businesses.
The meetings are targeted toward merchants and building owners who have questions such as what the MDS is and how is will effect them. The goal is have an informal discussion about the MDS.
“We feel that will just help the process a little bit better,” Rudd said.
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The DSA will present the results of its survey of downtown business and property owners to the town board. The town board will in turn decide whether to enact the tax. Although the town would collect the tax, funds would be turned over to the DSA. Even if approved, the tax most likely would not go into effect for a year.
The MSD informational meetings will be held at the Jackson County Main Library in Sylva on three dates: noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, 6 to 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 22 and 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 24. For more information call the DSA office at, 828.586.1577.
— By Sarah Kucharski