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Archived Opinion

Educational system is in real trouble

Educational system is in real trouble

To the Editor:

I have often been critical of our educational system for being more enamored of trendy fashions than common sense. Except for specialized fields, a degree from a university may be a net negative for a student. The higher up the prestige ladder one goes, the more this applies.

I consider a graduate of a community college to contribute more to society and have a chance at a happier life than a Harvard graduate because there is less exposure to anthropological errors such as Critical Race Theory and transgenderism. This infection is reaching down from universities into even kindergartens and elementary schools in some areas. With the Biden administration in charge we can expect this trend to accelerate. We cannot afford to be unaware of what is going on.

What I want to focus on is Critical Race Theory, which is promoted in such books as How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi (born Ibram Henry Rogers) and White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo. Want to know where the systemic racism is? There it is. Anti-racism is just repackaged racism; don’t fall for it. Institutional racism? It comes from institutions in government, academia, corporations and media that have been corrupted by this societal poison. By their lights, Martin Luther King was a racist because he believed in a colorblind society. MLK believed in equality, integration, and racial harmony and much progress was made along those lines but is now being threatened by the neo-racists and neo-segregationists espousing Critical Race Theory.

What is so disturbing also is its origin. This anti-intellectual movement was born and developed in what is supposed to be our centers of higher learning. The task of passing on our civilizational inheritance has been abandoned in favor of denigrating our past and rejecting our ancestors’ accomplishments. What is replacing the classical liberal education is a regime in which people are judged on the basis of superficial characteristics, and a hostile work and student life environment ensues as fear, suspicion, intolerance, bullying and unforgiveness abound. It is instructive to read the resignation letter of Jodi Shaw from Smith University that goes into great detail. It is easy to find on the internet. 

Math is even considered racist by some as it stresses getting the right answer. It places too much stress on objectivity and it is asking too much to ask students to show their work. This is big time bigotry of low expectations. I used to think that math, science, and engineering would be immune, but even they are being compromised. 

What then, I ask, is even the point in education if this is where we are going? Parents, please don’t assume that your children will not be taught things that will destroy or greatly hinder their chances of a flourishing life. Pay attention to what goes on in your school, even down to the kindergarten level. No age level is safe from this toxic totalitarian philosophy. Dare I say religion?

David Parker
