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Archived Opinion

Election fraud evidence is slim to none

Election fraud evidence is slim to none

To the Editor:

I am alarmed by the variety and sheer numbers of claims of election fraud we still see, claims that change or evolve over time to fit a multitude of narratives of mistrust this country has never seen.

The fraud was allegedly plotted by thousands of election officials across nine states, by electronic voting vendors with alleged nefarious ties to failed authoritarian states, and by the 80-plus courts and judges that have adjudicated civil lawsuits filed against multiple states and counties. 

The former President has won only one “frau” lawsuit related to the results of the 2020 election, and that case did not prove any widespread voter fraud had any effect on the outcome. Judges across the political spectrum have rejected scores of other cases filed before and after Nov. 3 that sought to overturn the election.

Almost all cases were dismissed on procedural grounds, which does not mean they weren’t duly considered. These cases were dismissed because the plaintiffs:

• were unable to demonstrate a sufficient connection to and harm from the law or action challenged (standing).

• had no credible evidence (without merit).

• had no regard for the merit of their own arguments (frivolous). 

There are currently still 21 civil lawsuits pending across the country today. These lawsuits argue:

• against extended state the vote-by-mail deadlines to no more than seven days (10).       • more than one drop box per county is illegal (five).

• for additional, punitive, and highly restrictive vote-by-mail requirements (four).    

• against allowing five days to remedy vote-by-mail signatures problems (one).

• against allowing vote-by-mail for first time voters (one)

• against action taken by the USPS just prior to elections which restricted vote-by-mail  (one).

• against allowing voters over the age of 65 from using vote-by-mail without a “valid excuse” (one) 

• against mail votes not notarized or countersigned by two adults either not living in the same household or by people who are immediate family (one).

• against ranked voting (one).

None of these pending lawsuits make any claim that election fraud was committed.

There are websites where there are compilations of alleged 2020 election law violations. None of these alleged violations were presented to law enforcement. No state, county or federal law enforcement have indicted any person, organization or corporation for voter fraud. None of these alleged violations have evidence acceptable by any county, state, or federal court. None of the affidavits from witnesses to the alleged election law violations were given under oath of law with criminal penalties for lying.

This letter will not change the minds of most readers. Events and speech leading up to and after the 2020 election have fueled an intense emotional investment many people have made in their candidate. I get it. I have felt that same fervent enthusiasm for other candidates in the past, some of whom lost. But we must all find a way to trust in our sacred institution of democratic elections, to trust in God as the authors of the Constitution did, so that our democratic republic will continue to flourish. 

John Barry
