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Archived Outdoors

Help the Smokies, volunteer for Discover Life

Discover Life in America (DLIA) is holding a number of events this summer for the public to experience the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Discover Life is a nonprofit organization devoted to identifying every creature in the park. Volunteers are critical to the group’s project.

Tree-team training will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 18. The event is a special, initial training session for a special long-term project in the Smokies. The goal is to document the associated invertebrates of the declining trees of the park. Three or four collecting events will follow the training.

Additionally, DLIA’s Biodiversity Days in the Smokies begins June 22 with a presentation on the Spruce-Fir Moss spider. On June 23, scientific illustrations will be featured. On June 24, there will be a presentation on Springtails and on June 25, there will be a Fern Foray field survey.
